Siti e depositi in cui si usa, testa, riprocessa l'Uranio Impoverito in U.S.A.

1. Aerojet Ordnance Company; Chino, CA 21. Hawthorne Army Ammunition Plant;
Hawthorne, NV
41. Sequoyah Fuels Corp.; Gore, OK
2. Aerojet Ardnance Tennessee; Jonesboro, TN 22. Hunter Army Airfield; Savanna, GA 42. Sierra army Depot; Herlong, CA
3. Alliant Tech Systems, Inc.; Elk River, MN 23. Jefferson Proving Ground; Madison, IN 43. Specific Manufacuring Capability Facility Idaho National Engineering Laboratory; Idaho Falls, ID
4. Army Research Laboratory; APG, MD 24. Lake City Army Ammunition Plant;
Independence, MO
44. Tank Automotive Command; Warren, MI
5. Army Research Laboratory, Watertown, MA 25. Letterkenny Army Depot; Chambersberg, PA 45. Tonopah Test Range; Tonopah, NV
6. Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs; Richland, WA 26. Lima Army Tank Plant; Lima, OH 46. Tooele Army Depot; Tooele, UT
7. Camp Roberts Military Reservation; Bradley, CA 27. Los Alamos National Laboratory;
Los Alamos, N.M.
47. Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant, Alliant
Tech Systems; New Brighton, MN
8. Carolina Metals; Barnwell, SC 28. Manufacturing Sciences Corp.; Oak Ridge, TN 48. U.S. Army Armament Munitions and Chemical
Command; Rock Island, IL
9. Chamberlain Manufacturing; Waterloo, IA 29. Martin Marrietta Energy Systems, Milan Army
Ammunition Plant; Milan, TN
49. U.S. Army Combat Systems Test Activity;
10. Chem-Nuclear Systems Waste Management
Facility; Barnwell, SC
30. Mason and Hanger at Iowa Army Ammunition
Plant; Middletown, IA
50. US Ecology; Hanford, WA
11. China Lake Navel Weapons Center Alliant Tech
Systems; Ridgecrest, CA
31. McAlester Army Ammunition Plant;
McAlester, OK
51. Watervliet Arsenal; Albany, NY
12. Defense Consolidation Facility; Snelling, SC 32. National Lead Industries; Colonie, NY 52. White Sands Missle Range; Green River, UT
13. Detriot Army Tank Plant; Warren, MI 33. National Manufacturing Corp.; St. Louis, MO 53. White Sands Missle Range; White Sands, N.M.
14. Energetic Materials Research and Technology
Center; Socorro, N.M.
34. Nevada Test Site; Mercury, NV 54. Yuma Proving Ground; Yuma, AZ
15. Envirocare of Utah; Clive, UT 35. Nuclear Metals Inc.; Concord, MA 55. Nellis Air Force Base; Las Vegas, NV
16. Ethan Allen Firing Range; Burlington, VT 36. Olin Ordnance Corp.; Red Lion, PA 56. Kirkland Air Force Base; Albuquerque, N.M.
17. Ford Aerospace And Communications Corp;
San Juan Capistrano, CA
37. Picatinny Arsenal; Dover, N.J. 57. Pantex Plant; TX
18. Fort Hood; Killeen, TX 38. Sandia National Laboratories; Albuquerque, N.M. 58. Portsmouth Uranium Enrichment Plant;
Portsmouth, OH
19. Fort Riley; Junction City, KS 39. Savanna Army Depot; Savanna, IL 59. Eiglin Air Force Base; Valpareso, FL
20. Fort Stewart; Hinesville, GA 40. Seneca Army Depot Activity; Romulus, NY